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Conservatory Senior Living’s Discovery University “Flashpoints in American Foreign Policy” begins May 11 in Austin

Conservatory Senior Living will present Discovery University, beginning May 11 at Conservatory At Wells Branch in Austin, Texas. Free and open to the public, Discovery University will offer seniors its engaging and stimulating “Flashpoints in American Foreign Policy” lecture series. Classes are held monthly at 10:30 a.m. beginning Thursday, May 11 through Thursday, August 10 at Conservatory At Wells Branch.

Professor Philip Leto III, J.D., chairman of the education department at Discovery University, will examine how the U.S. government is preserving national security against several countries that pose a threat to the nation. The series will review America’s foreign policy strategies aimed to promote world peace and maintain a balance of power. The scope of Discovery University’s factual and unbiased lectures will include discussions on the following: North Korea; Putin, Russia, Eastern Europe and Beyond; China; and Pakistan.

Established in 2010 by Discovery Senior Living, Discovery University is designed for lifelong learners who are interested in enjoying personal enrichment and captivating discussions within the community it serves. The award-winning lecture series promotes thoughtful examinations and stimulating educational matter, promoting positive and exciting debates among members of the Austin community.

“Discovery University offers a unique opportunity for seniors to enjoy a stimulating lecture series that helps them stay informed on the changes within our country and the world,” said Richard Hutchinson, CEO and co-founder of Discovery Senior Living. “‘Flashpoints in American Foreign Policy’ will delve into national, as well as international pertinent topics, engaging seniors in thought-provoking discussions that are fun and educational.”

Conservatory At Wells Branch is located at 14320 Tandem Blvd. in Austin, Texas. Participants are encouraged to RSVP two days prior to the class. For more information, or to register, participants are asked to call 512-388-2759 or visit www.ConservatorySeniorLiving.com.

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