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Women in Business to host May 6 virtual program on cybersecurity, best practices for remote workforces

The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business Committee will host a virtual program from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 6, highlighting how to stay engaged while working remotely and tips for enhancing cybersecurity at home.

The global pandemic of COVID-19 is affecting the businesses community in countless ways, and common issues tend to arise as businesses and employees transition to a remote work standard. Virtual attendees of the Women in Business webinar will have the opportunity to learn best practices from Jake Spanberger and Stephen Tracy of Entech, a leading IT service provider serving small- to medium-sized businesses in Southwest Florida that has always been prepared to work remotely.

As businesses navigate the virtual landscape, facilitating a secure and engaged workforce is especially critical. Spanberger and Tracy will provide the inside scoop on which cybersecurity and communication applications you should be taking advantage of, why communication is key, how online meetings are the new norm, ways to be mindful and inclusive, how staying healthy can help avoid stress and burnout, and why a routine is more important now than ever.

Spanberger is the president of Entech, a family-owned company that began in 1998 when Spanberger’s partner and stepfather Martin Haas founded a computer education and repair business. Spanberger was made a partner in 2000, and today, Entech employs over 35 people with offices in Bradenton and Fort Myers.

Tracy is Entech’s director of managed services, leading the team responsible for all service delivery, including reactive service requests, proactive maintenance and automation, project delivery and IT strategy deliverables. He brings more than 12 years of both technical and process experience to his role to identify workflow, communication and escalation improvements to enhance customer experience.

After the presentation, Women in Business and Chamber leadership will share updates on the Committee and Chamber activities taking place in the months ahead.

Registration for the May Women in Business virtual event is $5 for Chamber members and $10 for future members. To register, visit https://bit.ly/May6WIB.

About the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce:
Serving Lee County and surrounding areas since 1989, the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a business organization of professionals who support and promote a progressive, sustainable community. The Chamber represents nearly 800 businesses, professionals, and individuals throughout Lee County, providing opportunities for members to participate in a variety of meaningful networking, educational and community- and business-focused programs and events. The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce is located at 2310 Edwards Drive in downtown Fort Myers. For additional information regarding membership opportunities or events please call 239-332-2930 or visit www.fortmyers.org. For the latest news and updates, follow the Chamber on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gfmcc or Twitter at @FtMyersChamber.

About Women in Business:

Part of the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, the Women in Business committee is dedicated to helping women achieve their fullest professional and personal potential. A variety of networking and educational programs are offered throughout the year, typically the first Wednesday of every month from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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