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Top reasons brands should use an infographic

School District of Lee County - Infographic

An infographic helps brands share complicated information and big ideas through easy-to-understand, impactful visuals. 

Businesses and organizations that use infographics increase the likelihood of their message reaching its intended audience. In fact, a LinkedIn report notes that infographics and other colorful visuals can increase sales by up to 80%. The platform also estimates that brands using infographics and other visual aids are 43% more persuasive. 

For brands, an infographic often is the element that gets customers, donors and volunteers to pause, process a message and act. 

Priority Marketing’s Creative Services Team creates eye-catching infographics for client partners in hospitality and tourism, retail, health care, senior living, real estate, construction, legal, financial and other industries, as well as government agencies, education organizations and nonprofits. The firm’s comprehensive range of creative services includes brand development and logos, event invitations, product packaging, signs and banners, direct mail pieces, brochures, vehicle wraps and more. 

This FAQ Friday video helps explain why brands should use infographics. 

An infographic offers a quick read 

There is an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. Infographics may be worth many more. That’s because the human brain is wired to process visuals faster than words. In fact, neuroscientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) noted the brain processes images in as little as 13 milliseconds. 

“The fact that you can do that at these high speeds indicates to us that what vision does is find concepts. That’s what the brain is doing all day long – trying to understand what we’re looking at.” – Mary Potter, MIT professor of brain and cognitive sciences. 

Brands can tell their stories quickly and effectively through infographics. This is incredibly important for time-strapped audiences who may only have seconds – or milliseconds – to learn about a brand. 

For example, trying to explain a budget using sentences and numbers can be cumbersome. Instead, consider using an infographic to break down the budget. Priority Marketing designed visual interpretations of Guadalupe Center’s annual budget using pie charts. Colors represent each component of the budget.

Eye-catching visuals

Although #StopTheScroll hasn’t yet trended on social media, it’s what every brand wants when they create content for social media. The same holds true for magazines, newspapers and print collateral. What makes users, readers or viewers stop scrolling and start paying attention? These are some of the reasons: 

  • Bold colors 
  • Vivid imagery 
  • Unique presentation of facts 
  • Emotional appeal 

Each of those elements is reflected in an infographic. 

The most effective infographics are eye-catching and make it fun to learn new information. 

Finally, brands can present infographics across all types of media, from print to digital, social media, video and presentations. This allows brands to communicate information to audiences across platforms. For instance, Better Together presented its impact through a colorful, simple infographic designed vertically for mobile devices. Within five seconds, readers can discern four important facts that demonstrate the organization’s success.

WATCH: FAQ Fridays Quick Tips 

Building an infographic

Would your business or nonprofit organization benefit from using an infographic to convey a message? Priority Marketing has a team of designers capable of producing impactful, strong infographics for brands across industries. 

VIEW: Our Creative Portfolio 

Ready to create an infographic for your brand? Please give us a call today at 239-267-2638 or send an email to LetsTalk@PriorityMarketing.com. 

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