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Gulf Coast Village’s Remarkable Women in History summer series continues July 11

Storyteller Nan Colton returns to Gulf Coast Village, Cape Coral’s only life plan community, to bring to life the story of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

The performance will take place at 1:30 p.m. on July 11 in Gulf Coast Village’s auditorium, located at 1333 Santa Barbara Blvd. in Cape Coral. Following the presentation, group tours will be offered to those interested in viewing the life plan community’s campus.

The show will be the second installation of the senior community’s Remarkable Women in History summer series, “Unveil the Past: A Summer Portrait Series.”

Beecher Stowe was a celebrated 19th century author and fighter for women’s rights, best known for her best-selling abolitionist work “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Her literary prowess transcended storytelling and became a powerful instrument for social change. Colton, a storyteller and actress, will present Beecher Stowe’s story as a one-woman show, highlighting the years that Beecher Stowe wintered in Florida. Current and prospective Gulf Coast Village residents are invited to enjoy the one-woman show on July 11 at Gulf Coast Village.

Gulf Coast Village is sponsored by Volunteers of America National Services (VOANS). As a life plan community, Gulf Coast Village provides seniors with all levels of senior living, including independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and rehabilitation, memory care, home care and home health in a complete continuum on its award-winning campus.

Seating is limited, so reservations are required. To RSVP, please call 239-510-8712 or visit GulfCoastVillage.org/RSVP by June 27.

If you are unable to attend “Unveil the Past: A Summer Portrait Series” but would like to learn more about Gulf Coast Village, call 239-510-8712 or visit GulfCoastVillage.org/Contact to schedule a consultation.

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