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Women in Business to host Sweethearts and Scholarships Feb. 3

Fundraiser to support scholarships for non-traditional students

The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce’s Women in Business Committee will host its annual “Sweethearts and Scholarships Wine & Dessert Auction” fundraiser from 4 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 3.

Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a chance drawing for a variety of wine, desserts and other prizes. All proceeds from the event will benefit the Women in Business’ scholarship fund, which awards scholarships annually to non-traditional students pursuing their educational goals at Florida SouthWestern State College, Florida Gulf Coast University and Hodges University.

Sweethearts and Scholarships will take place at Millennial Brewing Company, 1811 Royal Palm Ave. in Fort Myers with accommodations indoors and outdoors to allow for physical distancing. Arekie Food Truck will be on-site with food available for purchase and music will be provided by DJ Mal.

Admission is $10 for members of the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce and $20 for future members and includes one complimentary drink. For attendees’ safety and to avoid in-person exchanges of cash and credit cards, the Chamber is encouraging people to register and buy their prize tickets online in advance at Members.FortMyers.org/Events. Pre-sale tickets will be waiting at check-in.

Prize donations and event sponsorships are being accepted until Jan. 28. Email Debra@fortmyers.org or call 239-332-2930 for more information.

About the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce:
Serving Lee County and surrounding areas since 1989, the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a business organization of professionals who support and promote a progressive, sustainable community. The Chamber represents over 750 businesses, professionals, and individuals throughout Lee County, providing opportunities for members to participate in a variety of meaningful networking, educational and community- and business-focused programs and events. The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce is located at 2310 Edwards Drive in downtown Fort Myers. For additional information regarding membership opportunities or events please call 239-332-2930 or visit www.fortmyers.org. For the latest news and updates, follow the Chamber on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gfmcc or Twitter at @FtMyersChamber.

About Women in Business:

Part of the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, the Women in Business committee is dedicated to helping women achieve their fullest professional and personal potential. A variety of networking and educational programs are offered throughout the year, typically the first Wednesday of every month from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

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