The always engaging BIG ARTS FORUM recently held its fourth installment of this year’s speaker series with a stimulating discussion by Stephanie Edgerly, professor and associate dean of research at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications.
The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company-sponsored series hosted Edgerly as she presented her research findings on “The End of News? How Media Audiences Are Changing” on Feb. 21.
As a premier researcher of U.S. media who specializes in audience insight and focus, Edgerly examined today’s media environment and the risks it poses to an informed citizenry. In an age of endless news and current events information, she shed light on the power of the media to manipulate perception and guided attendees to consider their own media decisions.
“We are proud to be the title sponsor of BIG ARTS series,” said The Sanibel Captiva Trust Company Founder and Chairman S. Albert D. Hanser. “The lectures are very informative and important for the residents of Southwest Florida.”
Sanibel Island Resident Janice Block Chaddock was the facilitator of this BIG ARTS program.
The final lecture in this year’s series takes place:
- March 13: Daryl Johnson on “How the Domestic Terrorism Threat Is Being Ignored.”
Tickets are $55 for each lecture and available on the BIG ARTS website at For more information call 239-395-0900.