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Southwest Florida nonprofits need summer volunteers

Community Cooperative - Soup Kitchen VolunteersNonprofit organizations in Southwest Florida operate year-round to fulfill their missions. At the heart of every charitable organization is a group of dedicated volunteers offering time and talents to the cause. 

Seniors are among nonprofits’ most loyal volunteers. They have extra time on their hands, a lifetime of experience and a generous spirit. However, many volunteers spend their summers in the North and Midwest, leaving a volunteer void from May through September. 

Priority Marketing partners with dozens of nonprofit organizations serving residents and causes in Collier, Lee and Charlotte counties. Many are actively seeking volunteers for a variety of roles. 

Below is a brief guide to help match volunteers with nonprofit organizations: 

Research Charitable Causes 

Nonprofits serve a variety of charitable causes, including education, health care, hunger, the environment, animal welfare, poverty, human services, youth, seniors, veterans, arts, culture and more. 

Much like finding a job you love, volunteers should find a cause they love. The best volunteers don’t just provide two or three hours of manpower once a month. They also recruit friends, family and colleagues to join the cause. They post about it on social media. They serve on boards or committees. 

Explore Volunteer Opportunities 

The wide variety of nonprofits in Southwest Florida means supporters also can choose from a variety of volunteer opportunities. 

In Southwest Florida, outdoor volunteer opportunities can include volunteering at community events, picking up litter from beaches, building homes and leading toursIndoor opportunities include answering telephones, filing paperwork, tutoring children, sorting donations, serving meals and caring for animals. 

Some organizations require volunteers to complete registration forms, especially those where volunteers work with children or other vulnerable populations. 

Nonprofit Organizations 

Priority Marketing’s nonprofit partners offer volunteer opportunities across the region. Below are charitable organizations that are requesting volunteer support during the summer: 

 Priority Marketing has served nonprofit organizations in Southwest Florida since 1992. To partner with our team, please give us a call today at 239-267-2638 or send an email to info@PriorityMarketing.com. 

READ MORE: Support for small businesses, small nonprofits critical this year 

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