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Seven tips to overcome Facebook’s algorithm

It’s no secret that Facebook uses a complex algorithm to determine what social media users see, or don’t see, in their news feed.

What is a secret, though, is exactly what comprises that algorithm.

Facebook announced in early 2018 that news feeds would begin favoring posts from real people rather than businesses, organizations and media outlets. Many of Priority Marketing’s clients rely on social media to promote their products, events and causes, so our team of social media specialists began working for a solution.

Short of cracking the unattainable secret code, we have developed a to-do list for clients seeking a stronger social media connection with their audience. Here are seven tips from our experts:

  1. Go live: Facebook has prioritized live video, and followers receive a notification whenever you go live. This keeps your brand front and center, essentially flipping on a live cam to your business. The only required equipment is a smartphone.
  2. Be visual: Facebook users scroll through their news feeds at lightning speed. The key is getting them to stop, and a colorful, eye-catching image or video will pique their interest.
  3. Tag pages and locations: Tagging an individual or business generates a notification, and the synergy between brands and consumers factors heavily into the algorithm.
  4. Be engaging: Have a dialogue with followers. Answer their questions and create poll, and if you receive a comment via Facebook Messenger, respond immediately. A high level of engagement through comments, clicks and video views ensures your posts will show up regularly in news feeds.
  5. Establish a Facebook group: If there isn’t much dialogue about a product or cause, start it. Creating the buzz will help you reach like-minded individuals that share the same interest.
  6. Run seasonal ad campaigns: Facebook is a relatively inexpensive platform to advertise while allowing businesses and organizations to target specific demographics. That way, you aren’t wasting money reaching people who have little interest in your product or cause.
  7. Direct users to your Facebook page from other channels: If you’re going to spend a good deal of time creating a lively Facebook page, make sure people know about it. Use your website, email list, blog posts and signage to promote the page.

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