For the fifth consecutive year, Priority Marketing is being recognized as a Pacesetter company for United Way of Lee, Hendry, and Glades. Pacesetters help United Way get the ball rolling on its annual fundraising campaign by running their internal employee campaign drives early. In 2022, United Way was already at 53% of its $11.18 million goal before the campaign officially launched – now that’s a head start!
Over the past four years, Priority Marketing employees have contributed more than $40,000 to support the nonprofits that rely on United Way to fulfill their missions. Several beneficiary organizations are client partners of Priority Marketing, including United Way itself.
Priority Marketing President and Chief Creative Officer Teri Hansen, APR, was recently asked to write a guest opinion encouraging other businesses to become Pacesetter companies. Her commentary appeared in the Causes section of The News-Press (below).
To contribute to the 2023-24 campaign, please click here: Uniting Heroes, Inspiring Hope.