Healthy Lee invites the Lee County community to take the 5210 Pledge, a four-month challenge that encourages participants to adopt four healthy behaviors that children and families should achieve each day for health and wellness.
A nationally recognized approach to health, 5210 encourages children and families to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily, limit recreational screen time to two hours or less, get at least one hour of physical activity every day, and avoid drinking sugar-sweetened beverages. The 5210 behaviors are research-based recommendations from groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
Healthy Lee’s 5210 Pledge asks participants to commit to adopting a new step each month over the next four months: in May, the goal is to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables every day; in June, participants pledge to limit recreational screen time to two hours or less per day; in July, families are asked to commit to at least one hour of physical activity every day and in August, sugar-sweetened drinks are off limits and drinking more water is encouraged.
Individuals and families can complete the pledge online at and are encouraged to post their pledge success stories using #5210Pledge on Healthy Lee’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
“The 5210 approach breaks it down into four easy-to-follow steps – eat, reduce, play and limit,” said Scott Kashman, co-champion Healthy Lifestyles.
“Making small changes and focusing on achieving one new goal each month is a realistic way for children and families to develop new healthy habits. Our hope is that once the four-month pledge is over, the principles of 5210 will have become part of the daily routine for families,” added Healthy Lifestyle co-champion, Angela Swartzman.
Comprised of more than 300 Lee County businesses and organizations, the Healthy Lee initiative reflects Lee County’s comprehensive sustainability strategy through promoting the integration of healthy lifestyle choices into the daily routines of the community of Lee County. The movement promotes collaborative partnerships and seeks to provide the resources, tools and knowledge to empower the community to make exercise, nutrition and wellness a priority. For more information, visit