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Greater Fort Myers Chamber to explore best practices for work-based learning programs at April 28 luncheon

The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce’s monthly luncheon on Wednesday, April 28 will highlight internships and what employers need to know about organizing impactful internship experiences for future professionals.

For many, an internship is more than a job. In fact, a work-based learning program can be career-affirming or career-altering. Guest speaker Ashleigh Droz, director of the Office of Internships & Cooperative Programs at Florida Gulf Coast University, will cover all things internships – from development to best practices – to help employers create opportunities that are both challenging and supportive for students expanding their professional horizons in Fort Myers and surrounding Lee County.

Droz holds a master’s degree in higher education counseling and student affairs as well as bachelor’s degrees in both psychology and theatre arts from California Polytechnic State University. During her time at FGCU, she became a founding member and career specialist of the PAGES Program, which focuses on the career exploration and preparation of students majoring in humanities and social sciences. She has taught more than 50 courses on career development, communication and student success as an adjunct at FGCU. Regionally and nationally, Droz has presented on career development theory and practice, liberal arts education and advising theory and practice.

The Chamber event will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28 at the Crowne Plaza at Bell Tower, 13051 Bell Tower Drive in Fort Myers. Admission is $25 for Chamber members and $35 for future Chamber members. Advance registration is required as capacity is limited to allow for social distancing. To learn more or to register for the event, visit FortMyers.org or call 239-332-2930.

About the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce:
Serving Lee County and surrounding areas since 1989, the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a business organization of professionals who support and promote a progressive, sustainable community. The Chamber represents over 750 businesses, professionals, and individuals throughout Lee County, providing opportunities for members to participate in a variety of meaningful networking, educational and community- and business-focused programs and events. The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce is located at 2310 Edwards Drive in downtown Fort Myers. For additional information regarding membership opportunities or events please call 239-332-2930 or visit www.fortmyers.org. For the latest news and updates, follow the Chamber on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gfmcc or Twitter at @FtMyersChamber.

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