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Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce announces keynote speakers for 2020 Business Summit

The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce has announced Christin Collins and Charly Caldwell as the keynote speakers for its 2020 Business Summit, which will be held virtually this year on Nov. 16-19.

The virtual event launches at 4 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 16 with a keynote address by Collins, “Thriving Through These Unprecedented Times: Organizational Health Starts with You!” Collins’ presentation will discuss why business leaders need to care for themselves first to lead a healthy organization and live a life of optimal well-being. Organizational health begins with its leadership, and self-care is not selfish. Collins will explore what it means to practice self-care during turmoil and how to learn to embrace the opportunities that uncertainty provides.

Collins is a thought-provoking influencer dedicated to inspiring others to connect with their purpose, optimal well-being and love. She sheds light on this message through national presentations and leadership within the health and wellness world as a former hospital wellness executive. She also is an author, and this spring will launch her much anticipated book “Her Phoenix Rising.” Most recently, Collins has taken on the role as senior vice president with Imagine Solutions, a global thought leadership group inspiring creative solutions within health care, education, climate change and social entrepreneurship.

Caldwell will conclude the multi-day summit at noon on Thursday, Nov. 19 with a presentation on “Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever Through the Power of the 5P’s.” His hands-on presentation will guide business leaders in creating a personal and professional plan for success in 2021 and beyond. Attendees are encouraged to have an 11-by-17 piece of paper with colored pencils, markers or crayons on-hand as Caldwell demonstrates how to create a vibrant vision, strategy, plan and action list for success.

Caldwell is a certified high-performance coach and 30-year business and online expert with a mission to help people create personal freedom through the power of recurring revenue. He is the founder of Life & Business Success Group, an online training, speaking and coaching business that helps thousands around the world fast forward their progress in life and business. He also founded Internet Services Group of Florida, an internet development and marketing business.

In addition to the keynote presentations, the 2020 Business Summit is bringing local business leaders together to host 18 one-hour virtual workshops, which will be held at 8 a.m., noon and 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 17 and Wednesday, Nov. 18.

The virtual Business Summit is $75 for members of the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce and $99 for non-members. Attendees can choose to attend nine live sessions, including the keynote and closing presentations, and will also receive the recordings of all sessions and presentations. To register and learn more about each session, visit FortMyers.org/Events/Business-Summit or call 239-332-2930.

About the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce:
Serving Lee County and surrounding areas since 1989, the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is a business organization of professionals who support and promote a progressive, sustainable community. The Chamber represents over 750 businesses, professionals, and individuals throughout Lee County, providing opportunities for members to participate in a variety of meaningful networking, educational and community- and business-focused programs and events. The Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce is located at 2310 Edwards Drive in downtown Fort Myers. For additional information regarding membership opportunities or events please call 239-332-2930 or visit www.fortmyers.org. For the latest news and updates, follow the Chamber on Facebook at www.facebook.com/gfmcc or Twitter at @FtMyersChamber.

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