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Fun and useful marketing facts, 12 days of Christmas style

We’re in the holiday spirit, and so are our friends at AdTaxi! Check out some fun and useful marketing facts, 12 days of Christmas style!

Twelve lords a leaping: Video has jumped (see what we did there…)! By 2019 online video will account for 31% of total expenditure on digital display advertising, up from 28% in 2017, and 21% in 2012.

Eleven ladies dancing: Women are spinning to shops. 74.9% of women identified themselves as the primary shoppers for their households. They also control $20+ trillion worldwide spending.

Ten pipers piping: Plumbers and other home services should pay attention to local search! Since 2011 “near me” searches have shot up 34 times and from just last year have nearly doubled.

Nine drummers drumming: Spotify keeps the drum beats going being the largest audio platform with 140 million monthly active users & boosted ad revenue 50% from 2015 to 2016.

Eight maids a milking: Milk those channels for all they’re worth. Businesses that adopt omnichannel strategies achieve 91% greater YOY customer retention compared to those that don’t.

Seven swans a swimming: Those birds are keeping active! According to Google, year over year the number of consumers using mobile devices to stay healthy has doubled.

Six geese a laying: Still searching for the Goose that laid the golden egg? Almost a 25% gain in revenues is expected from search advertising, to reach $45 billion by 2019.

Five gold rings: Google found that consumers are 2.8x more likely to call a business from a search ad in the telecom and finance verticals, including insurance.

Four calling birds: Speaking of calling, mobile searches for “gifts” grow 50% from the first week in December to the week of Christmas.

Three French hens: Dreaming of a Parisian getaway? 61% of travelers use the Internet for leisure trip inspiration.

Two turtle doves: Spending on pets in the United States continued to increase even though the 2007-09 recession and hit an estimated $62.75 billion in 2016.

A partridge in a pear tree: What’s in store for the digital landscape? 50% of B2B search queries today are made on smartphones. Experts expect that figure to grow to 70% by 2020.

Content courtesy of AdTaxi 

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