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Event registration is now open for 2024 Industry Appreciation Awards

Registration is now open for Lee County’s most coveted business awards event of the year. The 32nd Industry Appreciation Awards luncheon will take place on Friday, Oct. 25, at Caloosa Sound Convention Center in Fort Myers.

Hosted by the Horizon Council, Horizon Foundation and Lee County Economic Development Office, the awards program will recognize 27 companies as finalists across nine award categories, including Large Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Diverse Business of the Year, the Supplier Diversity Award, the Innovative Technology Award, Small Manufacturer of the Year, Large Manufacturer of the Year, the Partnership Award and the Community Spotlight Award.

The Oct. 25 event will be held at the Caloosa Sound Convention Center, 1375 Monroe St. in Fort Myers, and starts with networking opportunities at 10 a.m. before transitioning to the awards luncheon at 11 a.m. Event tickets for the 2024 Industry Appreciation Awards are $50 each and available online at IndustryAppreciationAwards.com. Registration closes on Oct. 18.

About the Horizon Foundation

The Horizon Foundation was established in 1995-96 to provide a funding vehicle for businesses to invest in Lee County’s long-term economic development and vitality. In 2000, the Horizon Foundation received its IRS ruling as a charitable 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation raises private-sector money to support efforts of the Lee County Economic Development Office and the Horizon Council to improve the area’s business climate. For more information, please visit HorizonCouncilFoundation.com, or call 239-533-6806.

About the Horizon Council

The Horizon Council is a public-private board established in 1991 to advise the Lee County Board of Commissioners on economic development issues. The Council has up to 80 members representing cities; chambers of commerce; economic development and trade organizations; community, business, and education organizations; along with various officers and at-large members. The Horizon Council is the voice of business in Lee County. The Council’s mission is to improve Lee County’s business environment, retain and encourage the expansion of existing businesses, and attract new and diversified employers. It is the only public-private partnership of Lee County Government and business leaders. Visit LeeCountyBusiness.com/Horizon-Council for more information.

About the Lee County Economic Development Office

The Lee County Economic Development Office provides business assistance to retain existing businesses, encourage entrepreneurship and attract new business to provide a strong economy and thriving communities. The office also works to improve opportunities for the workforce to advance skills and have access to career ladders. Lee EDO has published a Development Activity Story Map that allows the public to explore new private development projects and investment activity in the county. Visit LeeCountyBusiness.com for more information.

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