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Babcock Ranch named Starlight Sponsor for Shine, a benefit for Hope Kids Care

Sponsorships still available for Oct. 11 signature event

Hope Healthcare announces that Babcock Ranch is the title “Starlight” sponsor for Shine, the inaugural signature benefit for Hope Kids Care. Hosted by event chairs State Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto and attorney Jenna Persons, Shine will be held on Friday, Oct. 11 at 5 p.m. at the historic Edison & Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers. The elegant evening includes cocktails, dinner, music, entertainment and a “Fund-A-Need” Live Auction to support the essential services of Hope Kids Care.

Additional Shine sponsors include Millennium Physician Group, Gunterberg Charitable Foundation, Priority Marketing, DeAngelis Diamond and OFDC Commercial Interiors. Sponsorships are still available, and commitments secured through July 25 will receive the greatest opportunity for promotion. To learn more about securing a sponsorship to give hope and help kids, call 239-482-4672 or visit donate.hopehcs.org/shinesponsors. To reserve your tickets to attend Shine, visit donate.hopehcs.org/shine.

A service of Hope Healthcare, Hope Kids Care provides no-cost care to families in need, offering one-on-one children’s counseling including art and music therapy, and Rainbow Trails bereavement camp; medical care including palliative and respite care; and support including caregiver education, social services, volunteer support and Hopeful Wishes to meet other family needs.

Hope Healthcare, which includes Hope Hospice and Hope Kids Care programs, is a not-for-profit health care organization dedicated to providing care and comfort to every individual and their loved ones as they fulfill life’s journey. For more information, call 239-482-4673 or visit www.HopeHCS.org.

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